Monday, August 19, 2013

Coconut Treats!

Recently we made some coconut treats in class. We used a lot of our Habits of Mind. Read below and see the pictures.

First we had to use PERSISTENCE to crush the biscuits. This took a LONG time.

See? We're still going.

Then we had to STOP AND THINK so we didn't put in too much coconut.

Next we had to MAKE IT RIGHT by putting enough condensed milk in so everything stuck together.

We had to WORK WITH OTHERS to take turns mixing it up.

WOW! We made yummy snacks!


  1. Look at all the Habits you used Learning Lions, you're becoming Habits of Mind experts. What did your coconut treats taste like? Maybe you could post the recipe so other people could try and make them as well.

  2. They tasted like coconut. (Nari) It tasted like chocolate chips (Preses)

    Here is how we made them:

    We crushed up two packets of biscuits.

    Then we mixed in some coconut and chocolate chips.

    Then we slowly mixed in a can of condensed milk.

    We made some balls out of them. You need to wait a while until they get hard enough to eat though.
